Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Peking Duck Pizza Recipe

With great pizza, comes great responsibility

Holy shit it has been a long time since my last post. I have been putting this off due to reasons. Reasons like focusing harder at work, shifting my priorities in life to a more health-focused mindset, and recognizing patterns in my life that do nothing for me and breaking them. Definitely in a transitional phase where I am realizing what things I actually enjoy and receive value from. Life is a journey, and growth is a huge part of that journey. Something about cyclical phases and introspection, blah blah blah.

Anyway! Peking Duck Pizza. This is a pizza recipe that myself and my good friend Reid collaborated on to create, and have collectively made it together a total of three times. This is the first recipe I will post and definitely won't be the last. It is a decadent fusion style pizza (no fucking shit) which boasts a wealth of middle-upper class flavor. Don't eat this every day. You will go broke and/or die of respiratory failure, heart disease or some other disease I know nothing about.

ALSO: This isn't the only Peking duck pizza recipe on the internet, but it is ours. I am not claiming to have created Peking duck pizza. Just this recipe.

  • Pizza Dough (Don't use the pre-cooked stuff unless you want it to suck)
  • Hoisin Sauce
  • Sesame Oil
  • Mozzarella Cheese
  • Peking Duck (I recommend getting it from here or if you're not in SD, some local dim-sum style/take out Chinese place should have it)
  • Pickled Carrot & Daikon
  • Green Onions
  • Cilantro
Optional ingredients:
  • Sesame oil and roasted garlic emulsion
  • Crisped duck skin

This has been a hit every time we've made it, and especially the second time since we were at Burning Man, and everything, especially something like Peking Duck Pizza, tastes remarkably better when you are on the Playa at Black Rock City. We've made it on the grill and in the oven, both involve different processes. This is the process for making it in the oven.


Slice onions and chop cilantro. Preheat oven to 425F. 

Using a pizza pan or a baking sheet, complete the following steps:

Stretch the dough to the shape of your liking. If you're not capable of this, reconsider your adulthood. If you want to be a fuckin' showoff and make the dough yourself, use whatever recipe suits your preferences. If not, grab some from the grocery store. Trader Joe's, Von's, Ralph's, who gives a shit, it's dough.

Once the dough is prepared, coat crust lightly with sesame oil, and then hit it with the hoisin. Hoisin is a really powerful flavor, so be easy and try not to overdo it. Optional ingredient: emulsify the sesame oil with roasted garlic before coating, not a crucial ingredient, but YMMV.

Top with mozzarella, duck, sliced green onion, pickled carrot and daikon. Place in oven for approximately 12-15 min, and finish with fresh cilantro. Optional ingredient: crisped duck skin. Place the skins in a Pyrex dish and broil them for an indiscriminate amount of time. After the indiscriminate amount of time, and allowing the skin to cool, you can crumble the skin over the pizza during the last minute of cooking.

This is about what it should look like with both of the optional ingredients, though you can't really see the sesame oil roasted garlic emulsion underneath all that decadent ducky deliciousness. This one was made on the grill, and was the first one we made.

Look at all that duck... just look at it!

Until next time!

Live long and pizza,

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